Rachel McAdams看着像Frances McDormand.... 完全是CMBYN的反面: 一个是两个年少气盛的小伙子, 北意大利小城明媚的夏天, 一对非常understanding的父母, 一段无忧无虑的感情; 一个是两个大龄女青年, 伦敦附近阴冷的天气下的葬礼, 压抑严苛的犹太教社群, 两人心里都装满了来自家庭和社会的烦恼. 对比起来看心情特别复杂.... Personal desires often come into conflict with one's responsibility to others. Pain arises when we are unable to align the two by either pruning our desires, or having the freedom to select what responsibilities to take on or let go.
演员比预期的还要老也就比预期的还要保守也就更显出 Clara 对他们的冲击Hell Bitch 有点小失望晚娘未删减作为书里最烈的马在剧里机灵有余狂野不足但最大的意外还是口音看书的时候忽略了剧里被这几个德州老大爷唠傻了